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Low Carbon and Green Projects

Climate Change is arguably one of the most significant problems facing the global community in the 21st Century.

At Future Carbon we work to help businesses, organizations and government to achieve energy and environmental sustainability towards reducing the GHG emissions of all associated institutional activities which have significant adverse impacts on nature. We also help businesses and organizations adopt practices that promote green growth through efficient use of the energy resources as well as through environmental best practices which are feasible. Here at Future Carbon, we focus exclusively on climate change mitigation projects, including renewable energy and energy efficiency initiatives, to cater to our clients’ needs in this particular area.


Green Project Assessment and Development, and Management

We help industries, corporations, municipalities and organizations to identify, implement and measure, and then communicate their sustainability efforts.

Green project assessment inspects a set of requirements that guide the development of a project’s Environmental Management System (EMS) standards. The EMS guides an organization on how to conduct business operations in an environmentally sustainable manner. As the technology field grew many-fold in the past decade, it is inevitable for its players to be aware of the impact of their operations on the environment, as well as to establish management standards that promote environmental awareness. As an essential requirement, some projects changed their energy consumption patterns, while others even redesigned their buildings and facilities to take advantage of natural lighting or to use solar power.

The point about green project management is not that we make every decision in favour of the one that is most environmentally friendly. The point is that we start to take the environment into account instead of ignoring it. You might make most decisions the same as you do today, but there might be some decisions you would make differently. These different decisions, multiplied by tens of thousands each day across the world, can make a difference.

With any organizational change, there has to be a degree of readiness and commitment before an initiative can be launched and have an expectation of success. Sustainability efforts, in this way, are much like other corporate initiatives your organization has probably experienced: quality initiatives, management restructuring, financial reporting changes, or mergers - transformations that both shift the corporate culture and require behavioural changes in staff that may or may not have completely bought-in to the initiative.

Future Carbon offers the following Services:

  • Green Project Idea Development and Designing
  • Green Project Pre-Assessment and Feasibility Study
  • Green Project Performance Analysis, including Energy and Resource Utilization Assessment
  • Green Project Sustainability Assessment
  • Green Building Assessment in accordance with international standard
  • Energy Efficient Project Idea Development and Designing
  • Initial Environmental Examination (IEE)
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
  • Environmental Monitoring Plan (EMP)
  • Energy Efficiency Audit (Preliminary Walk-Through and Diagnostic)
  • Environmental Due Diligence Compliance in accordance with national and international standards
  • Environmental and Social Screening of a Project for DoE Clearance
  • Energy Efficiency Course Curriculum and Module Development
  • Capacity Building Training to implement Environment-Friendly Business Scheme
  • Implementing GHG Emissions’ Mitigation Actions
  • Implementing Energy Efficiency Measures
  • Renewable Energy and Low Carbon Technology Implementation
  • Eco-friendly green product and service designing and operation
  • Technology Transfer for Brownfield Projects
  • State of the Art Energy Efficient Technology Transfer for Greenfield Projects


Future Carbon has significantly contributed to developing two national level Gold Standard CDM-PoA projects in Bangladesh.


Micro-scale Gold Standard Solar PV Programme of Activities (PoA) Project: A Project Participant in the first ever Voluntary Carbon Offset project in Bangladesh. The project aimed to generate 30,000 carbon credits (VERs) each year from an output of 11 MW of Solar PV installations over a seven year period.

Energy Efficiency Improvement Gold Standard CDM-PoA Project in the Brick Manufacturing Industry: Developing a country-wide Gold Standard CDM-PoA project as the Coordinating Managing Entity (CME). The project aimed to generate 400,000 carbon credits (CERs) each year and was funded by the UNFCCC CDM Loan Scheme.

Future Carbon offers the following Services in the Banking Sector:

a) Carbon Footprint Assessment and Reporting
Any large organization utilizes an enormous amount of inbound and outbound energy and resources which have an adverse environmental impacts and higher operational cost. For an environmentally responsible sustainable business growth, energy and resource use must be tracked and should be utilized in an efficient manner. Future Carbon helps Banks and Financial Institutions to measure their operational energy and resource consumption level by calculating their associated Carbon Footprint and hence identifying the efficient way of energy and resource maximization to achieve business sustainability. We can also assist in preparation of reports as per Bangladesh Bank’s guidelines and help to reach the targets and standards set by the regulator.
b) Project Assessment for Green Financing
Future Carbon also helps Banks and Financial institutions to identify and assess Green Projects so that they can conduct the necessary risk assessment before investing in a project and to understand whether the project aligns with the set structure of the regulatory environment.
c) The following are the list of other services that Future Carbon offers:
• Energy Audit • Water Footprint Assessment and Reporting • Reporting of Green Banking activities • Identify and/or recommend potential green transformations in internal practices • Recommend in-house green activities and green activities in financing • Develop an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) • Develop an Environmental Risk Management (ERM) Plan • Conduct an Initial Environmental Examination (IEE) • Undertake an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • Undertake a Strategic Impact Assessment or Strategic Environmental Assessment (SIA or SEA) • Undertake an Environmental and Social Due Diligence (ESDD) • Undertake a General and Sector Specific Environmental Due Diligence through a Checklist, and develop a plan for Documentation & Monitoring • Provide necessary Capacity Building Training • Provide Training on Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) • Provide Technical Assistance as per requirement • Environmental and Social Screening of a Project for the Department of Environment (DoE) Clearance • Consultancy Service on Eco-Friendly Green Product and Service Designing and its Operation • Consultancy/Advisory Service on Product Dissemination